Excellia School in Lucknow


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Excellia School in Lucknow, School in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It is a CBSE affiliated school is based on the belief that every child is ready to blossom if given the right environment. Excellia is one of the best schools where the right pedagogical implementations at various developmental anatomies of the child are catered to. Excellia is the best school near Omaxe city, Lucknow with the facilities and security features that are unparalleled. The curriculum is student friendly and the approach caters to all multiple intelligences. The school draw a bead on the philosophy to equip the students with multifunctional skills which will help them to excel in all aspects of life. The school from the outlook endeavour to develop scrupulous denizens who are all rounders.
Address: Street Number 1, Omaxe City , Opposite Ambadekar University,, Shahid Path, Raebareli Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226025


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